Custom Programming Onboarding

This post is here to guide you through your first few steps after committing to Custom Programming with me here at Above the Rest Training Systems. Refer back to this post if you have any questions throughout the process. Getting started with a new program and coach can be scary so my goal with this article is to give you something that you can look back on to give you confidence that you’re where you need to be.

If you stumbled across this article and you’re not a client, you can get an idea of what it will look like after you’ve signed up. if you’re interested in getting signed up today, it all starts with our assessment. You can get there by clicking the button below.

The Process

let me take a quick second to outline the process from start to finish. At this point you’ve already made contact and initiated the custom programming process in one of the following ways:

  • You send us a DM on Instagram to our @atrtrainingsystems account.

  • You sent us a message to our Facebook Page

  • You sent an email to

  • You filled out our assessment

  • We met in the gym and discovered that custom programming would be best for you

If you started the process by filling out our assessment, then disregard this next subsection. It goes over the assessment and what the expectations are regarding that document.

The Assessment

The assessment is a battery of questions that gives me all of the background information that helps set the stage for your current training. Things like your athletic history, injury history, and different aspects of your life that might impact your stress are all gathered in this assessment.

There is no such thing as too much information in this assessment. Read that line twice.

Every ounce of information that you can put into this assessment is going to make your program better and help to get you speedy results. Investing time at this point in the process pays dividends in the future, so I’m asking you to put in as much effort as you can on the Assessment.

That said, only the initial information gather questions are required. I understand that you might not be comfortable discussing other aspects of your life at this point in the process and that is okay. Skip over questions that you’re not comfortable answering.

Just in case, here is another quick link to the assessment for your convenience:

Evaluation Workouts

There are three workouts that I’ll assign you as soon as possible after receiving your email. This section discusses the logistics of getting access to those workouts and how you should approach completing them.

When I have your email, the first thing that I’m going to do is invite you to join TrainHeroic. It is the coaching app that I use to disseminate my training programs to my athletes. Here is a quick video from TrainHeroic for you to check out.

Once you’ve received your email from TrainHeroic, follow the prompts to get the app downloaded and enter your information. Once you’re in, you’ll be able to navigate to the calendar and find your three evaluation workouts.

When I pop them on your calendar, they’re prescribed back to back, but they don’t need to be done that way. You can space them out, putting 24-48 hours between them if you need to. All you have to do is go back in the calendar to the workout you want to hit, start it, and TrainHeroic will move it for you.

As you complete the workouts, there are a few things that I want you to keep in mind:

  • Noone expects you to perform these exercises perfectly. If you already knew everything you wouldn’t need to be hiring a coach! Try your best.

  • The purpose of these workouts is for me to learn how you move. With that said, the more film you send, the better!

  • Taking video of yourself can be awkward at first, but you’ll get used to it. For now, try not to worry about getting the perfect shot or angle, just try to get as much of you in the shot as you can and shoot it off. I’ll take care of the rest!

Athlete Review Videos

When you send in your training video, I build an Athlete Video for you to show you what I’m seeing and explain how we’ll go about attacking it. Once you get into the swing of the custom program, you’ll get one of these Athlete Videos every week that you send in video.

In the video below, I’ve combined a couple of clips from different athlete videos so that you can get an idea of what they look like.

Getting Your Program

Once you’ve filled out the Assessment, completed your Evaluation Workouts, and sent in your video, I will have everything that I need to get started on your custom training program. Programs are published every Sunday, so if your last workout gets done on a Monday I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to publish you anything until the following Sunday.

You’ll also receive your preliminary Athlete Video where I go over all of the film you sent me in real time, discussing what I’m seeing and how it will impact your training program.

The billing won’t kick in until you have your first week of programming.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where should I send my videos once I have them?

A: Send them to me directly on Facebook Messenger. For right now this is the easiest way for me to receive and review videos from my clients.

Q: How long do I have to complete the workouts and the assessment?

A: As long as you need. I won’t start working on your program until all of that information is in, and you won’t be billed until you receive your first week of programming, so take as long as you need to!

Q: What if I can’t perform the exercises in the Evaluation Workouts?

A: Do your best to perform the exercises in the program as prescribed, but don’t do anything that causes you pain. One of the purposes of the video is to analyze your limitations, so demonstrating those limitations is important!

Q: Can I integrate other activities or workouts I enjoy alongside this program?

A: Sure! If you’re currently participating in another activity, work the evaluation workouts in where you can and I’ll compensate for those activities in the custom program.

Still have questions? ASk!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and get your questions answered. Hiring a new coach, especially an online coach, can be a little intimidating. I really want you to feel as comfortable and confident as possible through the onboarding process! Shoot me an email at with any questions you may have.


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